Item Detail

Exhaust Ventilation System
Item Number: RTIEV1
Price: $1,284.80* *

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The EV-1 Exhaust Ventilation System helps to improve shop safety by providing a clean and professional way to complete exhaust checks.


  • Highly portable, practical design
  • Simple operation
  • 110V 3/4 HP motor for high-flow positive pressure ventilation


One (1) Year - Parts & Labor

Product Specification

A-Weighted Surface Noise RatingCorrected LpAm = 73 dB(A)
Flow Capacity 270 CFM (460 CMH)
FusesQty (2); 16 Amp time delayed; 0.39 in x 1.49 in (10 mm x 38 mm)
Hose 40 ft. (12 m) long; 5 in (12.7 cm) diameter
Motor110 VAC (0.75 HP)
Power SourceMinimum 6 Amp
Weight73 lbs. (33 kg)
Working Temperature 23° to 120°F (-5° to 49°C)

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